Thursday, November 29, 2007



Ingatkan best tapi... BO-RIIIINGG!! Ngantuk seh movie ni!
Seperti mana aku akan mengantuk kalau betul-betul ada program radio & DJ macam si Erica Bain (Jodie Foster) ni. Macam dalam kelambu...

Aku beli pun sebab ada satu review kata movie ni ala-ala 'Enough' yang J-Lo berlakon tu. Pasal balas-balas dendam ni. Tengok poster pun macam best tapi, jauh bezanya & tak best langsung.

Walaupun ada la scene-scene yang agak best, tapi overall storyline agak slow & memerlukan orang yang sabar macam aku. Baru 1/2 jalan, Cik Nanie dah tertido. Ikut ati memang nak tertido gak tapi malas la pulak nak tengok separuh-separuh ni walaupun dihampakan dengan kehampehan.

Huhu...bazir duit & karen aku je. Nasib baik beli yang pirated punye...

What more can I say?! Memang BEST & lawak giler!! Kalau suruh tengok lagi 2.3 kali pun aku sanggup! JOM!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Last week i accompanied Cik Nanie to visit her late father's grave which is also my first experience visiting a non-muslim cemetery.

When I told one of my muslim colleague about it, she seem a bit surprised. The look on her face and the way she said "apa la u response to what i told her, as if I was doing something very wrong and I can be murtad because of it. She even asked me, " So, u sembah-sembah sekali la ye?" And I have to explain that nothing of the sort took place. Pelik. Terkejut. Ada ke patut cakap aku sampai ke situ sekali?! Seliberal -liberal aku pun, i know where's my limit la, cik kak.
Come on la babe, it's not wrong for us Muslim to visit person of other religion's grave kan? Cik Nanie's father is a chinese so if she has converted to Islam doesn't mean that she cannot visit her father's grave? And as a friend tak salah kan kalau aku temankan dia sekali. I was just standing there watching Cik Nanie 'talked' to her father. And it was a very brief, less than 5 minutes visit.

Anyway, i noticed a lot of 'adab melawat kubur' difference between Muslim & Non-Muslim.We Muslims have to be properly dressed and menutup aurat. But the visitors I've seen in this memorial park is more casual. Wearing short pants, t-shirts and even sleeveless. I remembered that I'm a bit panic bila Cik Nanie suddenly kata nak visit her father on our way back home.

Looking at my outfit, i asked her.."Alamak, abis tu i pakai camni, takpe ke?"

"Relax ar, kat sini u pakai ape pun tak kisah, dulu i pakai short & spaghetti strap je"..haha..tu la jawapan Cik Nanie.

On our way in, ada Hindu funeral rites in one of the hall performed by the Hindu monks just outside the cremation hall. In the memorial yard, I noticed that there are quite a number of indians buried kat situ. Maybe after the cremation ceremony they just buried the ashes there because it is more convinient to do everything in one place. I guess, this kind of crematorium / memorial park is no longer restricted to certain race or religion kot. Luckily nobody noticed that there's one budak melayu sesat dalam tu..kot tak pasal-pasal kena halau. Nasib baik kulit ada terlebih gelap, bolehla conceal identity sikit.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Holiday's over.

People has come back to work and business resume back to normal.

My Hari Raya is not as merry as the previous ones. The first day of Hari Raya is a bit quiet as my bro is celebrating with his in laws family in KP. So pengajaran pada kengkawan sekalian, kalau kawin make sure beranak banyak-banyak, kalau tak..kesian kat anak korang nanti jadi macam aku keboringan sebab takde geng. Luckily this year Cik Nanie is spending her raya with my family, or else i'm sure i'll be bored to death.

However, we still prepare the hari raya dish. Makan tetap makan beb. Biar raya takde mood, bab makan wajib meriah.

Brownish/gold is our theme this year. Manage to take family photo of the four of us using my nearly-1 year-but never-been-used tripod. Haha..rasa ada studio gambar sendiri pulak.

Not much of activities during the first two days of Hari Raya. We didn't even visit any relatives' house since it's my bro's request to go beraya with them. So, my parents, ne and Cik Nanie just visited my late grandparents' grave in Mahmoodiah and after that lepaking at house watching TV Raya programs.

There's nobody came to beraya at our house as well, not even the kids. I'm not surprised, though. Everyone seem to be out of the town and might be somewhere in their kampung celebrating this once a year family gathering. Well, I kinda like it. What a way to spend the Hari Raya. It's holidays, good food, lotsa programs to watch and I have it all to myself.

Things started to be more lively the moment my bro, SIL & nephew arrived JB. We visited the relatives' house on the 3rd day of Eid. Masa ni la jugak my parents keep getting calls from friends/relatives who were asking whether we were at home or not. Apa, orang semua mula keluar beraya masa raya ketiga ke? As expected, the next day and the day afterwards was the busiest. I dont even have time to bath (hehe, pecah lubang) because people came non-stop. Sekali datang 2,3 kereta. Campur pulak dengan the kids from the nearby neighbourhood yang mula buat project mengepau tuan rumah.

My aunties, uncles and cousins who started to call me 'Nyonya Kedai Gambar' because i'm using tripod to take this photo.

But when Riz was hospitalized due to Rotavirus infection, all of us lost our raya mood. Kesian sangat tengok budak kecik macam tu diarrhea & muntah-muntah. Luckily he was discharged after 3 days there. On the bright side, we got to spend 1 week with them here in JB.

That's how I spent my raya. I'm sure yours is much more better than mine.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Cerita ini berlaku beberapa ari sebelum raya dan beberapa minit sebelum berbuka. Baran betul aku. In fact sampai ke ari ni aku masih rasa 'hot & spicy' lagi.

Ari tu, on the way nak balik umah my parents, B-Tam dah bergesel dengan satu Kelisa yang drivernya (seorang Ah Beng) yang sungguh kurang ajar & kurang akal. Kisah ni berlaku masa aku nak u-turn ke simpang masuk rumah parents aku. Jalan pulak memang tengah jem giler waktu tu. So, lepas u-turn aku signal untuk susur masuk kiri pelan-pelan. Masa tu aku dah lepas first lane & try nak masuk ke last lane pulak.

Masa ni la macam nak mampus aku signal tapi si driver Kelisa yang bodoh ni seboleh-boleh taknak kasi aku ruang masuk. Terpaksa la aku dok kat first lane sambil menyignal dengan harapan dapat masuk ke last lane sebelum tiba ke simpang masuk taman yang parents aku tinggal. Tapi jalan pulak memang terhenggut-henggut, jem la katakan. Bila simpang ke taman tu dah dekat, ndak tak ndak memang la aku kena gak pegi ke last lane. Kalau tak..maunye terlajak, takkan aku nak u-turn balik. Disebabkan situasi tu, B-Tam dah dok antara first & second lane, so in a way menghalang motor-motor yang nak menyelit tengah-tengah jem tu. Kereta-kereta lain pun tak boleh gerak memandangkan aku tersempal kat tengah-tengah.

Si Kelisa ni pulak memang hampehs, langsung taknak kasi jalan walaupun kereta depan dia dah mengensot sikit so aku boleh masuk lane tu. Ape tah masalah dia. Tak considerate langsung. Bukan je kat aku, tapi kat kenderaan-kenderaan lain. Lagipun, as rakyat Malaysia, takkan tak tau orang Islam semua puasa, time pun dah nak berbuka. Tapi gitulah orang kalau dah kurang akal, last-last bergesel dengan B-tam. Padan la dengan muka kau yang bangang tu! Busuk ati sangat, taknak bagi sampai sanggup menjahanamkan kereta sendirik, ambik kau! Nasib baik la jalan jem, so impact dari pergeselan tu sikit je, kalau la laju tadi, akan ku pastikan kau masuk kubur ari tu jugak.

Si Ah Beng dengan ahli keluarganye (kebetulan mak bapak dia pun ade gak dlm keta tu) terus serbu kat aku & Cik Nanie yang masih dalam kereta. We all tak keluar sebab rasa sungguh tak munasabah la nak bertekak kat tengah2 jalan tu jugak, dah le tengah jem gile jangan le tambahkan jem lagi. Bodoh sungguh! Tu pun dah menampakkan selfish bongok Ah Beng ni. Puas dah aku & Cik Nanie suruh alih kereta & discuss kat tepi jalan, tak reti2 bahasa gak. Dia sibuk nak amik gambar scene tu nak tunjuk kat insurans company katanye. Ape kebangang la. Kalau kereta kau kemek terburai macam ikan busuk tu bole la nak claim. Insurans mana la gaknye yang nak layan claim setakat scratch camtu.

Yang mahalnye, mak dia terus meluru kat we all yang still dlm keta ni and berulang kali dok tanye "sekarang apa macam, sekarang ape macam.." Haih, Ah Soh ni, sekali aku lesing jugak kang! Nasib baik sebelum sempat aku lesing, kenderaan dah mula bergerak, si keluarga Ah Beng sengal ni kena marah dengan driver yang lalu lalang sebab menghalang kat tengah2 jalan. Barulah terhegeh-hegeh nak ketepi. Dasar tak sekolah! Memang tak sekolah pun, gaya cakap pun main lu gua, lu gua je.

Dah kat tepi tu, aku check keta aku dulu ar, make sure keta aku takde mende, pastu baru aku tengok condition keta dia teruk ke tak. Hek eleh..auta je lebih. Takde yamg kronik pun. Setakat minor calar & mudguard keta dia terkopak skit, kalau gam pun ok. Masa kena pun pun perlahan je, so takdela ape sangat. (kalau teruk pun aku tak kuasa nak bayar. Boleh blah la!)

Si Ah Beng dari tadi sibuk marah-marah. Apehal kau nak marah2..kau yang start himpit keta aku. Bagero! Pastu macam mak dia gak sibuk tanye sekarang macam mana? Macam mana ape, kau yang himpit keta aku jgn harap le aku nak bayar. Pastu maknye Ah Beng ni yang pulak sibuk nak pi buat report kat balai. Fine! kau nak pi report sangat pasal keta kau yang tak seberapa tu, aku OK je. Kalau kena jontos kepala dengan polis kat balai kang aku tumpang jontos sama kepala sengal kau tu. Lagipun aku confident giler yang diaorang ni gertak jek, sebab aku taknak bagi duit kat dia. Orang giler je nak mengabiskan RM300 nak buat report, padahal harga repair keta pun baru berapa sen. Unless si Ah Beng & family ni memang golongan terencat itu aku tak tau la.

Si Ah Beng dengan tak menyempatnye terus nak ke Balai Polis nearby. Engkau nak pi report silakan, silap-silap polis pun tak kuasa nak layan time orang sibuk nak berbuka especially bila tengok kereta engkau setakat calar skit. Aku pun malas nak layan family bengong tu, ape kejadahnye nak redah jalan yang tengah jem giler ke balai polis, baik aku balik rumah buka pose dulu. Malam-malam kang kalau rajin aku ar singgah ke balai tengok ada tak orang buat report pasal B-Tam.

3 ari lepas tu aku check dengan member yang keje as polis trafik, ade tak report pasal accident ari tu, seperti dijangka memang la takde.

Sabar ye En. Ah Beng, kalau lu teringin sangat nak buat report or claim insurans, lu tunggu wa jumpa lu punye keta sekali lagi, memang gua dah standby paku ni..tinggal nak kasi kereta lu betul-betul calar baeekk punye, lu tunggu je la...

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Aidilfitri is just around the corner and i just want to wish all Muslims 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri' and Maaf Zahir Batin.

For those who will be driving back to your hometown, do drive carefully and take a break if you are sleepy. Don't be a part of the accident statistics, ok. Ingatlah orang tersayang yang tak sabar menunggu kepulangan anda, bukannya jenazah anda.

While celebrating and enjoying your eid, dont forget to be thankful for the rezeki & chance to celebrate in peace and harmony. Remember our unfortunate friends all over the world who might be celebrating Eid in hunger, fear and poverty.

Once again, wishing you all an awesome Aidilfitri and happy holidays!!

Friday, October 5, 2007


Isnin lepas aku perasan jam faveret aku takde bateri. Patut la tiap kali aku tersedar malam tu, asal tengok jam je baru pukul 3, tak bergerak-gerak. Aku pulak, makin syok la tarik comforter sampai ke dagu. Maklumla baru pukul 3 pagi. Ingatkan malam sungguh panjang rupanye nyawa bateri jam aku yang tak panjang.

Maka bukan aje termiss sahur, bangun pun lambat. Bila bangun dah lambat, nak kena berkejar ke opis sambil apply driving skill ala Kimi Raikkonen la pulak. Bila dah drive macam setan, confirm punye kata-kata 'pujian' akan keluar berhamburan kat apa-apa kenderaan, traffic light, polis trafik atau apa je objek melintas yang menghalang perjalanan aku. Bila dah sibuk 'memuji' sana sini, by the time sampai opis, confirm pahala puasa aku dah tinggal sekerat. Tengok, betapa besar impak jam nih dalam idup aku. *Hek eleh, tak payah la nak salahkan jam, Survivor..kalau tak kerana jam pun memang engkau tu selalu lambat :P*

Jadinya pagi tu aku pegi kedai jam kat atas ni dengan niat nak mengganti bateri baru. Memandangkan aku pun tengah huru hara kat opis ditambah dengan malas nak menunggu, aku tinggalkan aje kat amoi kedai jam tu & bagitau dia yang aku akan datang ambik kemudian.

Bila aku datang balik petang tu, Amoi tu dah takde. Maybe shift dia dah abis kot. But ada one chinese guy yang ganti. Mamat ni tengah khusyuk betulkan tali jam sape punye ntah. Aku tengok meja dia punya la banyak giler jam yang nak direpair.

Survivor: Tadi pagi i ada antar jam kasi ganti bateri. Dah siap ka?

Budak Kedai: oo..ada ada..

Confident jek dia hulurkan aku jam ni yang kebetulannya merupakan satu-satunya jam spesis macam ni yang ada kat atas meja repair/ servis kedai tu. Survivor: Eh, ini bukan jam saya la. Saya tak pakai jam macam ni.

Budak Kedai: Aiyo, bukan ke..mana satu awak punye? Macam takde woo..

Survivor: Ada la...Ini la saya punye *sambil tunjuk kat jam faveret aku*

Budak Kedai: Ini awak punye ka? *dengan mata tak berkelip tengok aku & riak muka yang ala-ala nak percaya ke tak ape yang aku cakap*

Sah dia tak caya ni jam aku. Apsal pulak? Otak CSI aku dah start membuat kira-kira forensik apsal dia tak puas ati akula pemilik jam nih.

Adekah kerana:

1) Tangan aku kelihatan sangat cute sampai tak sesuai memakai jam feveretku itu?
2) Kebrutalan aku tak terserlah kerana kebetulannya aku memakai kebaya ari ni?
3) Sepanjang sejarah dia kat kedai jam, akulah manusia pertama berbaju kebaya yang pakai jam Caterpillar kot?
4) Mamat ni seorang yang suka menstereotaipkan orang?
5) Aku kelihatan macam seorang penipu yang cuba mengaku jam orang sebagai jam sendiri?


Salah ke aku pakai jam macam nih? hah? hah? jawab..jawab... Cun ape aku pakai..kan? kan? kan?!!.....(sape cakap tak cun memang nak kena belasah! (ayat tunjuk brutal sebab nak justify diri..muahahahah!)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Last weekend Cik Nanie & me planned to have BBQ lamb & chicken for iftar.

At first we thought of using dad's outdoor grill but after ransacking his store then only he recalled leaving it at my brother's place after our last 'pesta' BBQ in Pantai Penyabong. (My family memang giler BBQ!)

So both of us went to Jusco to buy a new grill, charcoal, lamb & chicken meat, prawns and whatever items we might need.

It was while looking for the common portable BBQ grill that Cik Nanie terbekenan with this electric BBQ.

Me on the first place, doubt its capability.

Will the taste be the same as using charcoal?

Tahan lama ke tidak benda ni? Ada warrranty?

Ok ke brand nih? Hanabishi..tak penah dengar ponn...

Cik Nanie's heart pulak on the other hand was 90% set to buy this thing.

Jadi, kami pun menimbang-tara kebaikan produk ni...

It's not so expensive. Yep, it's only RM99.

We don't have to buy charcoal anymore. Dah kira jimat.

Less smoke. Baju, rambut pun tak lekat bau asap.

Dah tak perlu susah payah hidupkan api, meniup, mengipas & tunggu sampai arang jadi bara baru boleh mula BBQ.

Healthier because we are not eating food from charcoal grill anymore. No carcinogen = reduce risks of cancer.

We can use it indoor as well!
Boleh main BBQ sembunyi2 dalam rumah..haha!

In the end, Cik Nanie decided to follow her heart & bought it.

Dan tanpa membuang ari, we all cuba try test kebolehan benda ni ari tu jugak.

Waiting to be BBQd..marinated with Cik Nanie's secret marinating recipe..

New gadget in action. Not bad la the performance, cepat je dah masak...

Test on udang pulak...

The result, TADAAA....looks delicious. Fresh from the griller...

It tasted no difference from charcoal BBQing. Pekena pulak dengan Cik Nanie 's superb mashed potato. Fuh! marvellous! Note: Cik Nanie memang pandai masak :) *puji ada makna tuh*..hehe..Cik Nanie jgn buat tak paham..sila memasak dengan lebih aktif lagi setelah menerima pujian ini.!

Washing this griller is quite easy. The parts are detachable and can be washed separately. So nak menyental bahagian yang berminyak ni senang sikit gitu..budak sekolah rendah pun boleh buat.

The flaws: Short powercord, you might need to use extension plug. Satu lagi, it comes without stand so kena la pandai-pandai cari tempat yang sesuai nak letak benda ni. Takkan nak berBBQ sambil mencangkung pulak kan?

Overall performance quality & cooking speed is very good. Whatever we intend to BBQ (2 packs of lamb shoulder meat, 2 kilos of chicken & few hundred grams of prawns) were done in less than 1 hour.

I lap u la Cik Nanie sebab sanggup mengabiskan duit beli benda alah ni! :P

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Baru je kena tag dengan Carneyz dah kena tag lagi...Kali ni dengan Cik Nanie pulak..

4 things that scare me:
+ bad intention people
+ life after death (kes tak cukup amal ibadat)
+ become poor and homeless (taknak tido bawah jambatan)
+ natural disaster

4 people who make me laugh:
+ cik nanie
+ hariz
+ my father
+ Fab 5

4 things i love:
+ spending time with my loved ones
+ my Ipaq 6828 PDA
+ my Nikon D40
+ my lappie

4 things i hate:
+ meetings (especially the lengthy one)
+ backstabbers
+ show offs
+ cruelty towards animal & human

4 things i don't understand:
+ Why cant we live peacefully in this world without any war??
+ why some people simply take advantage of other people without feeling guilty or a bit of shame?
+ why do we have to waste our time attending meetings when after that nobody will remember what the hell were discussed or whose responsible to take what action?
+ Why most of nation leaders are actually idiots

4 things on my desk:
+ files
+ tons of papers
+ my organizer
+ my pc

4 things i'm doing right now:
+ my office work
+ the tag
+ talking on the phone with my boss
+ thinking of a way to escape this afternoon's meeting

4 things i want to do before i die:
+ visit Stonehenge
+ getting at least my master degree
+ to have my own business
+ bertaubat?

4 simple things to describe my personality:
+ giler
+ friendly
+ independent
+ love to laugh and love to make people laugh

4 things i can't do:
+ sew
+ dance (william hung dance better than me, i'm as stiff as a wood stick!)
+ stand smokers & ciggies smoke
+ sleep with the light on

4 people I wanna tag
+ Carneyz
+ Ainie
+ Jen

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Aku kena tag dengan Cik Puan CARNEYZ.

Sejak bila anda mula berpuasa penuh??

Rasanya sekolah rendah. sejak darjah 2 ke darjah 3 macam tu.Masa kecik2 dulu memang suka sgt bulan pose ni sebab tak payah nak makan. Yes, anda tak salah baca. Time kecik-kecik dulu aku paling tak suka nak makan. Kena marah + paksa tahap cipan baru la terhegeh-hegeh ke dapur. Sungguh berbeza sekali dengan sekarang. Kalau diorang kunci dapur dengan lock besar gajah pun aku sanggup pecahkan semata-mata nak selongkar periuk atau peti sejuk.. (hahaha..dasar pelahap!)

Pernahkah anda ponteng puasa dan apakah alasannya??

Pernah sekali & takde alasan munasabah yang boleh aku bagi. Simply menyetan dengan 2,3 orang classmate yang setan macam aku, makan-makan kat belakang hall..Nauzubillah perangai....

Adakah anda pernah bermain bunga api dan mercun??
Of course la pernah. Cuba bagitau saya sapa yang tak pernah main mercun & bunga api?

Juadah apakah menjadi kegemaran anda sewaktu berbuka??
Apa-apa jenis sambal & lauk berAYAM AYAM AYAM. Hidangan WAJIB ada tu!

Lagu raya manakah yang anda suka??
#1 - Sepasang Kurung Biru - Khairil Johari Johar (lagu feveret giler nih)
#2 - Pulanglah - Aishah

Tahun ini anda beraya di mana??

Pernahkah anda bertugas di hari raya??
Sepenuh masa tak pernah. Setakat datang menjenguk office sejam dua di pagi raya pertama untuk make sure caterer & jamuan raya for staff yang kena bertugas berjalan lancar.

Kenangan paling manis di hari raya
Dulu - dapat duit raya & dapat baju baju
Sekarang - dapat kumpul satu family, makan kuih & masakan raya.

Nak Jadikan Mangsa Tag
1. Cik Nanie
2. Ainie
3. Best Buddy
4. Sesapa yang nak buat

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


If any of you is thinking to watch this movie, my advice would be - DON'T! - unless if u want to be a vegetarian for the next two weeks.

Dah tu, apehal aku pulak boleh tengok tertengok citer nih?
I thot this is the sequel of one movie i've watched somewhere in 2003/2004 - DEAD END - which I've been searching hi & low for the dvd / vcd to add to my collection dari Speedy sampai le ke pirated cd store. Tapi takde.

That's why, when I saw this DVD cover, my eyes straight away focussed at the 'DEAD END' title walaupun terang2 perkataan 'WRONG TURN 2' tu lagi besar.

So this idiot bought the DVD.
Excited la jugak before tengok tu..but..the first few minutes is enough to tell you what's the rest of the movie is going to be like.

The movie is about 6 people who are competing in Survivor-like reality tv show. In the woods where they are supposed to survive (sometimes look like belukar belakang rumah jek) resides a cannibal family and as expected, hunted, tortured & butchered them and the rest of TV crews. Akibatnye, most of them end up in the cannibal cooking pot except for the two main characters.

Pencinta kedamaian & insan penyayang mcm aku (cewah!) tak akan boleh terima & tak tahan nak tengok cerita-cerita macam nih. I don't mind watching blood and violent as in most of action movies. I do love horror/thriller film but not the gory kind which involved brutal torture, flesh ripping and exaggerate cannibalism.


The next morning, during sahur i don't dare to touch and even look at the ayam panggang for fear that I will muntah there and then on my plate.

That's why i don't really like to watch Hollywood horror films. Most of them suck! Mengarut entah ape2 aje. I'd rather watch Korean/Japan/Thai ones. They seem a bit realistic and ade la jalan cerita sikit. Even though there are violent or gruesome element in it, for me it's still tolerable and doesn't seem exaggerated. No wonder the Hollywood producer is so into remaking Korean & Japanese movies.

I watched one Thai horror film called 'Long Khong' couple of years ago, it kinda ngeri and until today I still can't look at kerang without thinking about one of the scene in the movie where the villain cooked the victim and served 'the dish' to her guests who are the poor victim's friends. The victim's eyelid inside the soup look really similar to isi kerang. So each time I makan kerang, my mind will automatically zoomed back to that scene, and i'll feel as if i'm eating someone's eyes.

Another film, '999-9999' which is also from Thai is about a mysterious phone number, yang kononnye boleh fulfil one wish of its caller. However, the caller will die tragically once his or her wish has been granted. So nak dijadikan jalan cerita, main characters dalam citer ni la yang dok gatal call this number (or else tak wujud plak citer ni kan). Despite kengerian yang mendalam bila tengok kaedah kematian sekor2 mangsa, the movie is still enjoyable to watch.

I guess it depends on our preference and how far we can stand to watch violence. For me, as long as the storyline is interesting, quite logic and at the end of it, the movie do not leave me nauseous, give me headache or make me vomit at any sight of meat then it's fine.

Don't think this movie will make it here. Too gory. Too disgusting. Too sick. And just for info, Singapore bans it too.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Congratulations Survivor!

You are 59% not Malaysian.

That means you're as Malaysian as...

Guy Sebastian !
How Un-Malaysian Are You?
Ape-ape jelah kuiz nih...sape yang berminat sila try..tengok berapa percent ketakMalaysiaan korang pulak..

Friday, September 14, 2007


First day puasa semalam, sungguh la flat sekali.Nak kata tak bangun sahur, aku bangun. Makan pun selera jugak walaupun pepagi hari (nampak sangat selalu keluar pi supper). Time lunch, dek kerana letih sangat, aku & Tina tido dalam stor. Sampai terlajak 20 minit. Huhu. Ni la last dapat rehat sejam, pas ni lunch hour cuma 1/2 jam jek sebab dapat balik awal 1/2 jam. Kijam. Sungguh kijam. Tetahun lepas balik pukul 5 gak tapi takde la potong lunch hour. Ish!

Bulan pose camni kalau tak gi Pasar Ramadan memang tak sah la kan. So balik keje semalam aku & Cik Nanie singgah yang kat sini. Ramainye orang. Seolah-olah semua orang kat kawasanni takde dapur nak masak kat umah. Jalan dahle sempit, kereta & motor punyela banyak. Jalan tu la orang jadikan parking & jalan tu la jugak orang & kenderaan nak kluar masuk.

Peniaga-peniaga kat sini la yang paling happy. Ape taknye, masa menyembelih dah tiba. Orang yang datang pun main beli jek, tak kira la harga munasabah ke tak. Ade ke harga ayam golek sampai RM15 seekor..bak kata Cik Nanie, Ayamas pun murah!Dah tu roti bom @ roti coin, kecik mcm tu pun diaorang jual seringgit sekeping. Mak aiii...nak kaya cepat gamaknye diaorang nih..tau la nak cari duit raya, tapi jgn la sampai over sangat.Confirm la this is going to be my last time beli kat sini.

Lepas buka I was too tired to do anything, nak pi terawih pun tak larat. Pukul 9.30 mlm aku dah tido. Ingat nak jugak bangun makan satu round lagi, tapi tido mati la pulak.So sahur pagi tadilah aku berkesempatan nak mengabiskan makanan semalam.

Ok guys, it's already 5.00pm now. Time to go home and heading to another Pasar Ramadan. Tekak macam teringin nak makan murtabak, ayam percik, nasi ambang, karipap, roti jala, keuh teow kerang,laksa penang, kole kacang, keropok lekor, kebab daging, nasi dagang, sup ekor, nasi ayam, roti john...

Selamat Berpuasa Kengkawan..

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Penat giler mengemas..

Rasanya lepas 3 tahun keje, ini kali pertama we all kat HR (especially aku yang pemalas ni) buat major housekeeping. Kali ni, aku buat pun sebab terpaksa; sebab perubahan seating arrangement department aku.

Kenapa diubah selepas 3 tahun? Sebabnya, lokasi department aku ni agak terlindung dari pandangan mata umum (deal dgn banyak benda confidential la kononnye) & memang tempat paling strategik untuk para kaki-kaki borak merangkap kaki mengular dalam opis nih dok melepak.

Sebenarnya sebelum ni takde hal sangat, tapi lately ni aje ramai bebeno yang suka bersidai kat sini sampai aku pun naik rimas. Kalau bersidai sebab ade urusan dengan orang-orang department aku takpe jugak, ini pantang nampak tuan punya meja takde kat tempatnya, ada je yang menumpang. Selalunye meja driver, Abg Saleh la yang jadik mangsa. Suka suka ati je nak baca newspaper masa waktu kerja. Tak reti-reti nak tunggu time break ke ape. Ada tu pulak boleh duduk bersarapan nasi lemak daun pisang kat sini. Dia ingat ape, kerusi meja kat sini ada iras-iras kerusi meja canteen ke? Tak pun ala-ala cyber cafe sbb ada computer tertonggoh atas meja, boleh makan nasi lemak sambil surf internet. Hampeh betul diaorang nih, kerja aje dah berpuluh tahun, akai tak tahu letak mana. Sungguh aku takleh terima, nak lepak pi la pantry ke, toilet ke ini kau nak melepak apesal la HR jugak yang jadik pilihan. Mangkukz betol!!

Puas dah aku & Tina sound, tak reti-reti jugak diaorang ni. So pastu, kononnnye nak guna taktik subtle, aku tampal notis 'no newspaper reading here during office hours' kat meja Abg Saleh supaya mereka2 ni paham. Memang paham, diaorg tak lagi melepak kat tempat yang ada notis tu tapi beralih kat mana-mana meja lain dalam department aku yang kosong. Takkan le aku sampai nak tampal notis cenggini kat every meja dalam HR ni. Payah betul la nak kasi manusia2 'lurus bendul' mcm ni paham..

So disebabkan Pn Shila dah beria soh kitaorang pindah memandangkan Purchasing Department akan combine dgn HRA as 1 department, maybe ni pun cara terbaik utk susun strategi nak elakkan kaki mengular & kaki lepak jadikan kerusi meja kat department aku as port diaorang.

Maka akhirnya, terpaksa jugakla mengangkut segala harta benda, sampah sarap, kertas kertis dsb. Tengok jela timbunan kertas-kertas yang dlm simpanan aku. Ini pun 3 beg sampah besar aku mintak K. Yati kasi shredding machine tu makan.

Benda-benda dalam kotak & atas meja ni sume patutnye kena masuk file, tapi setengah tu, too confidential utk aku pass pada org lain for filing. Nak harap sendiri buat, entah bila la nak setel asik takde time memanjang. Akhirnye, jadikla camni, dok tertimbus kertas. Ni pun aku buat sikit-sikit in between keje-keje lain. Nampaknye tahun 3014 baru siap kot..hehe!

Azam aku lepas aku clearkan kertas-kertas ni sume, i will go paperless! Merdeka!! Sumenye aku nak scan & simpan dalam computer jek.. Time tu kalau meja aku bersih berseri jangan cakap aku takde keje pulak ok!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Since that kelawar incident, me & Cik Nanie are too traumatize to sleep at our own house.

Despite all the measures taken so that the incident won't happen again, (ayah pasang dawai kat grill so that no serangga atau binatang can enter the house through the front door. He even sealed all the gap/hole on the ceiling, bathroom, kitchen & everywhere else in the house so that we won't scream in the middle of the night (especially Cik Nanie) because a big hairy spider is crawling on our bed), i still dont feel so good to sleep in the house anymore.

So both of us only dropped by the house after work/during weekends to do the laundry, clean the house a bit, pick our tomorrow's working clothes & baju tido then dash back to mum's house. That has been our daily routine for the last 3 weeks or so. I keep telling myself & Cik Nanie that we have to do a thorough housekeeping before we can sleep in our house again. Then only I can sleep peacefully at night knowing that the house is free from freaky animals especially Mr. U**r.

Last week I dreamt that I was bitten by a flying rattle snake while cleaning the bathroom. Damn scary! When I woke up, the first thing I asked Cik Nanie was the time. I was soo relieved when she said it was already 7am because my mum kata mimpi yang terjadi sebelum Subuh ialah mimpi yang ada makna and according tu orang melayu, kalau mimpi ular ni ada kena mengena dengan bab kawin which I definitely want to avoid..haha.

Anyway, back to serangga & my house story, one of my neighbours asked me why I hardly around these days and I told him what happened, selamba badak je dia kata "biasalah tu kat sini mmg banyak binatang masuk rumah"..he told me few incidents in his house which involved bats and snakes. He gave me few tips on how to handle these situation e.g buy badminton rackets to kill the bat and pour hot boiling water to kill the snake (to avoid leaving any trace of its blood in your house sebab according tu orang-orang tua kalau ade U**r mati berdarah kat dalam umah, akan mengundang spesis yang sama ke dalam umah disebabkan ade bau darah tu - betul ke tidak wallahuaklam - but of cos i don't want that to happen).

I think it's a practical idea but a bit too kejam la. I dun have the heart to hit the poor bat to death and just pretend that i'm hitting a shuttlecock. And though snakes make me feel 'geli geleman', rasanye tak sampai ati plak nak jirus air panas kat dia. Futhermore, it's going to be a slow and painful death for Mr. U**r which I think I can't bear to see. Ntah-ntah bila nampak Mr. U**r ni je, takdenya sempat nak masak air panas ke ape. Kot aku terus lari kuar umah adelah, pas tu baru pikir nak call bomba ke polis ke sape-sape yang dirasakan munasabah at that time .

And they said the situation will be worst with the recent land development works nearby. Dengar-dengarnye, there were even wildboars sesat in our neighbourhood! Can't blame them la cos they have nowhere else to go since we have cleared the hutans for the project. Perhaps this is the oppportunity for me to earn some cash selling wildboars tu the vietnamese working in the industrial area. Nasib baik takde gajah melintas, tak pasal2 aku jual gajah kat Royal London Circus plak nanti.

Wildboar Satay, anyone?! hehe...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


* This month marked my third year slaving in this company.

* My father celebrates his 60th birthday on the 3rd of August.

* It's Fab 5 third anniversary!
* Malaysia 50th Merdeka celebration!

Happy August Dudes!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


1. Four jobs I've had
a) Service Planner with a Pest Control company.
b) Jeans Promoter
(Jgn tak tau..i can alter jeans, dudes!)
c) Hotel waiter
(I can hold the tray with one hand while serving the food, skill tuh!)
d) My current career for nearly 3 years : Kulikutive

2. Four movies I can watch over and over and over
a) Gila-gila Pengantin Remaja (I watched the vcd more than 10 times oredi!)

b) Anak Bapak
c) Down To You
d) Meet the Fockers

3. Four places I've lived
a) Sg Dua, Penang
b) Jengka, Pahang
c) Skudaifornia
d) Senaiville

4. Four TV shows I love
a) CSI Las Vegas
b) CSI Miami
c) Criminal Minds

5. Four of my all-time favorite songs
a) Kissing a Fool- George Michael / Michael Buble
b) Di Manakan Ku Cari Ganti – P. Ramlee
(serious beb, gua suke giler lagu nih)
c) She Left Me – McFly
d) Crazy in Love - Beyonce
(this song makes me shake my head & my heavy ***)

6. Four of my favourite food
a) BBQ Lamb & Chicken
b) Nasi Goreng Paprik Ayam
c) Kueh Teow Goreng with extra egg & chicken
d) Bombay Toast yang Cik Nanie masak!

7. Four things I Like To Do When I'm Alone
a) Sleep
b) Read
c) Watch TV
d) Berangan

8. Last Four Person that I've called
a) Ainie
b) Cik Nanie
c) My Mum’s House
d) My Dad

9. Four sites I visit daily
a) Google
b) Yahoo News
c) My Friends' Blog
d) Harian Metro / Berita Harian online

10. Four places I'd rather be right now
a) In cinema watching movie
b) Having Massage treat in Bali
c) On my bed sleeping
d) Anywhere except in the Office!

11. Four people whom I like to meet
a) My Best Buddy
b) Cikgu Faridah, My Form 6 History Teacher
c) Ella the Queen of Rock!!
d) My Uni-mates

12. Four bloggers I am tagging
a) Carneyz
b) Best Buddy
c) Cik Nanie
d) Anyone else who wants to do it

Monday, July 23, 2007


You're a falling star, you're the get away car
You're the line in the sand when I go too far
You're the swimming pool, on an August day
And you're the perfect thing to say.

And you play it coy, but it's kinda cute.
When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.

And I can't believe,
that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.

Whatever comes our way, we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
Cause you're my everything.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


The next day aku balik dalam keadaan tak berapa confident + was was.

Trauma tu beb!

Ndak tak ndak terpaksa la beranikan diri gak, kalau tak..sampai bebila pun tak mau tido umah sendiri.

Tapi menurut kata Abg Shah, time2 siang ni si kelawar tido & tak agresif

So, sekali lagi mcm ninja & lampu suluh aku cari la kat mana agaknye dia nak bergayut.

Hampir 1/2 jam aku geledah bawah katil, belakang langsir, atas siling, celah perabot, etc tapi tak jumpa. Akhirnya ati rasa lega & confident yang menatang nih dah takde dari umah.

Baru gumbira rasa ati.
Tapi nampaknye kegumbiraan ku tak lama,
Tengah kusyuk mengemas bilik tido, tetiba...kelepuk!
seekor kelawar telah jatuh dari atas, betul2 sebelah gue..
Cilakak! ade lagi mamat nih sebenarnye..dalam bilik tido aku pulak tu! Bedebass sungguh! Guna magik kehaper la gaknyer, puas aku carik tadi takde tak alih2 muncul plak..

Waktu di jam telah menunjukkan pukul 7.30mlm.
Confirm dia baru bangun tido!

Sepantas kilat aku meluru keluar, sempat gak jeling kat dia yang anytime akan terbang kat aku. Brown karer! macam teddy bear! Tapi muka dia...mak oii ganas! Sempat le aku tutup pintu on time yang menyebabkan kelawar tadi makin penyek hidungnye kerana terlanggar pintu. Padan muka!

Ari tu, sekali lagi aku & Cik Nanie, tido umah parents aku.
Tapi kali ni aku dah tau kat mana kau berada En. Kelawar.
Siap kau esok, time kau tido, turn aku pulak nak attack!!

The next day, ayah datang dengan jaring ikan nak tangkap kelawar tu.
Aku standby kat pintu in case kelawar tu keluar aku boleh cepat2 tutup pintu.

Akhirnya kelawar itu dijumpai relax tergantung dalam almari baju aku.
Dalam kalut semalam rupanye aku tak sempat nak tutup almari baju...

Ayah dalam proses mengeluarkan kelawar dalam almari

Punye la bijak dia dok bergayut antara kemeja kerja aku. Ceh!

Baju-baju gue yang terlibat..kelawar telah melekat di baju putih itu & secara tak langsung bulu badannye confirm terkena baju aku yang kaler biru tu. Harus kena samak dengan klorox + air dari 7 gunung + 7 jenis bunga dari 7 florist.

Beginilah rupa kelawar yang berjaya mentraumakan tuan rumah hingga lari balik kampung

Pesanan kepada para kelawar: Walaupun rumah saya ada pokok rambutan yang sedang lebat berbuah, saya sikit pun tak kisah kalau anda nak berumah atau makan buah tu sekali sebab berkongsi rezeki memang bagus. Tapi tolonglah jangan masuk dalam rumah saya kalau tak reti nak cari jalan keluar lepas tu. (Lainlah kalau korang ada GPS) Lain kali kalau teringin jugak nak masuk umah orang, masuk umah jiran kiri kanan saya pulak okay. Thank you.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


It happened early this week.
This is the second incident.
The first one isn't as scary as this one.
The first one :
  • is a baby bat
  • stay still in the bathroom tub (hanging upside down of course)
  • senang nak dibuang sebab sungguhla pendiam dan baik budaknya

but this time :

  • is an adult bat
  • quite a big one
  • Fly crazily around the house looking for way out i guess and in the process knocked himself on every wall and door. (surprisingly tak mati lak tu..sure die hard fan of bruce willis)
  • Fly at me in almost eagle-like'attack mode'

This is my first direct encounter with a bat, and unfortunately a crazy one. When he flew at me at thot it was a bird. Ala-ala burung layang-layang gitu.Tapi takkan la burung layang-layang seganaz itu. Penat gak la nak mengelak kelawar ni dari terkam aku.

In desperate attempt to escape, both of us manage to run to one of the bedroom. Kesian Cik Nanie sampai terantuk idung kat bucu pintu sbb kalut nak lari. Tapi sampai bila la kan nak dok sembunyi kat dalam tu cos there's no way the bat can get out of the house without opening the front door.

Unfortunately kunci rumah kat living hall pulak terlupa nak angkut. Aduss!

Nak harapkan dia terantuk kepala kat dinding & mati sebab internal bleeding tu rasanye mustahil la pulak. Aku yang tensen masa tu try nak control panik. And sound effect of Cik Nanie screaming in the background isn't helping me to think a way to get rid of this bat.

In the end the plan goes like this:

  • one of us has to dash out of the room to take the house keys and if sempat to open the front door.
  • Lari balik masuk dalam bilik persembunyian.
  • Once we are sure that the bat kuar thru the front door, baru we all kuar from bilik tu


  • Tunggu En.Kelawar ni penat then capai kunci kereta and terus cabut lari umah my mum biarkan dia nak terbang macam orang giler dalam umah tu sampai lebam.

Tetapi halangannya adalah:

  • Selain jeritan Cik Nanie yang bukan je menarik perhatian kelawar, jiran serta rukun tetangga, pakaian we all yang 'sungguh sopan' sekali pada masa itu sungguhla tak sesuai nak bukak pintu umah selebar-lebarnya apa lagi nak keluar dari rumah.
  • Both of us has no suitable baju to go to work tomorrow if we just dash out like that.
  • Semua beg kerja & whatever work papers kitaorang ada dalam bilik satu lagi.

Kesimpulannya, ndak tak ndak memang kena halau gak benda alah ni dari umah baru la pastu decide nak buat ape.

From the doorkey hole i can the shadow of it still flying around like mad. Siap kuarkan bunyi2 lagi. It took about 5 minutes before the shadow can't be seen anymore. So i took this chance to run and grab the house keys and open the front door.

Ngam-ngam time tu si kelawar ni entah dari mana boleh timbul balik & menuju ke arah aku. (Confirm hidung dia terbau manusia, lagi2 bau manusia yang tak sempat nak mandi lepas balik keja macam aku ni). Nasib baik sempat masuk semula bilik persembunyian sebelum si kelawar dapat kejar aku.

Agak 15 minit jugak we all berkurung dalam bilik before rasa confident yang line agak clear. Armed with vacuum cleaner hose (macam ninja, beb), aku try locate kat mana si kelawar tu dengan saspennye sambil doa dalam ati yang dia dah jumpa jalan kuar. Lepas puas mencari, at last aku assume yang kelawar ni dah blah.

Tapi we all still tak confident nak tido umah. Bayangkan bila bangun tido tengok muka kelawar ade kat sebelah. Errghhkk....

Tak pun sedar-sedar je kelawar tu tengah isap darah aku, eiii gue belum bersedia nak jadik vampire weh...

So, that night both of us mengangkut kain baju balik umah my parents... keh..keh..keh...

Time-time macam nih baru ingat nak balik umah mak...ceh!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


My Dear Friends (especially those who are in 'TKM' Category),

I would suggest that you try this quiz by clicking the link below. It can certify whether you are really 'TKM' or not. I've tried it and my result is as below. (Jangan jeles, memang sudah ku ketahui betapa innocent & sucinya minda ku ini! Muahahaha!! Piiiraaahh mabuk!)

Your Mind is G Rated

Your mind is cleaner than a nun's. You're totally pure. In fact, you often don't catch on to how dirty the world really is.

TKM aka Tak Kawin Murtad refers to mereka-mereka yang dah ditahap kronik wajib kawin disebabkan otak yang sungguh blueeww..

Monday, July 16, 2007


...Is none other than my 2 years old nephew, Hariz..

Monday, July 9, 2007


Last Friday an Indian lady claiming to be from Ambank called me. She spoke too fast, I can't get what her name was. I didnt asked her back, as it wasn't seem important at that time.

She then asking me whether I have credit card from Ambank. Again, it didnt trigger anything yet because to me it was normal question by bank people. She explained that she need to make confirmation to activate my insurance and discount card and in order for that she has to know my credit card no.Without thinking, I gave her my credit card no.

Then, this is the part that make me started to feel suspiscious.She asked me to turn to the back of my credit card and asked me the last 3 digit of the number there. WOOAH! That was it! Masa ni, my waras part start to awake. I never apply any discount card or insurance and as far as I know there's no such promo when I sign up for this card. Sah, this lady is a fraud!

Then, I remembered one email I received about how credit card fraud syndicate works. They will menyamar as bank officer or ape2 jelah in a very convincing and subtle way until the victim didn't realise to whom they were disclosing the P&C details to.

So, I asked her name again, she refuse to tell me and stressed that she's from Ambank. She said whatever details she need from me is a standard bank procedures & in order for them to activate my insurance & discount card she need to get my card details. Furious, i told her that if she really from Ambank, the bank should have my details. And as far as i know, normally the bank will asked the cardholder's mothers maiden name or other payment/accounts related questions but never on the cardholder's verification code.

And guess what, she hung up the phone. By this time I know I nearly become a victim of a credit card fraud syndicate. Thank god for the forwarded emails I received on this.

I straight away called Ambank, gave them the number which the lady called me. Ambank confirmed that the number is not their number and they don't have that kind of offer or promotion. I tried to call the number which the lady used to call me, but cannot get through as the line is busy.

So guys, be careful with the phone call you receive from people claiming to be from bank or whoever trying to get confidential details of your credit cards.

After this, if you receive a call from 03 2021 7323, please be aware. You might save yourself from being a victim of this syndicate.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


I think for the last 3 months I have been late to work almost everyday. What to do, i wasn't a natural born early riser.

Kalau korang tengok cerekarama kat TV3 sabtu lepas, 'Malang Hari bla bla bla' tu kisah pasal satu mamat yang liat nak bangun pagi. Yup, sebijik macam aku, tapi takdela sampai malang bertimpa2 macam kes mamat nih. Dahle kena buang keje sebab lambat masuk opis, pastu keta kena tarik, then bini dia yang dah tak tahan dengan perangai dia lak tinggalkan dia, pastu umah terbakar. Everything happen in the same day. Sadis sungguh kalau jadik mcm tu. Masa citer ni my mum apa lagi amik kesempatan la perli aku.

Inilah masalah aku yang paling bermasalah sekali. Susah giler nak bangun pagi. I thought things will change by moving out from my parents house and staying nearer to the office. Kononnya kalau terlambat bangun skit takpe sebab rumah dekat dengan opis. Tapi nampaknye lagi hampeh, cos there's no one to nag and bang my bedroom door. Even then, there were time when I sleep like a log and wont budge at all despite all the door banging stint my mum did every morning. Lagipun, masa tu boleh ar nak kata traffic jam ke, dok jauh ker sekarang dah dok sekangkang kera pun lambat gak, ape mau cerita?

I've adjusted the time in my handphones, clock and watch 15 to 30 minutes earlier. But everytime the alarm goes off every morning, i just turn it off right away and continue sleeping. Bila 'alarm clock bergerak' aku, Cik Nanie dok kejut, confirm aku mintak 5 minit yang in the end akan jadik 30 minit. Aku pun satu tak reti bahasa gak, saje cari nahas. Sometimes i simply stay in bed because I know that i have extra 30 minutes to spend. Betuk gak kata Cik Nanie, there's no point for me to set all my watch and alarm even 1 hour earlier pun, if I only jump out of the bed in the last few minutes.

So kesimpulannye, pindah sebelah opis pun tak guna kalau habit buruk susah bangun pagi ni tak diubah. Sebab tu la aku sokong usul CUEPACS untuk waktu kerja fleksible. Lagi bagus kalau dipanjangkan ke syarikat swasta & I'll be the first to volunteer. Balik lambat takpe janji aku takyah bangun pagi. Haha!

Camne nak bangun pagi nih? Isk..Isk..

Friday, June 29, 2007


Takkan pernah habis air mataku
Bila ku ingat tentang dirimu
Mungkin hanya kau yang tahu
Mengapa sampai saat ini ku masih sendiri

Adakah disana kau rindu padaku
Meski kita kini ada di dunia berbeda
Bila masih mungkin waktu berputar
Kan kutunggu dirimu …

Biarlah ku simpan
Sampai nanti
aku kan ada di sana
Tenanglah diriku dalam kedamaian
Ingatlah cintaku kau tak terlihat lagi
Namun cintamu abadi

Currently macam suke lagu nih...


I think I have to add a bit to this entry due to the misunderstanding caused after I posted this.

There's no hidden meaning or reminiscing old love or whatever, i just simply love this song. Yes i know, once i'm a fan of 'i-cant-get-over-you' songs, and maybe if this song was released earlier I might love this song because of the message it conveys, but not anymore. And true, most of the songs I posted here sometimes describe the mood / situation i was in at that moment but this time is an exception. I cant relate to this kind of song anymore since what I feel now is just the opposite. I've gotten over my 'can't-get-over-you' period long ago. SO I hope it will clear the misunderstanding.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Lama giler tak update!

Rasa macam dah terlepas 4 zaman dinasour since aku last update blog ni.

Bukan tak nak update tapi takde masa.Lagi-lagi semenjak dua ni, minat nak ambik gambar mengalahkan minat nak memblog walaupun banyak benda yang aku nak tulis.

Yang pastinya, sejak ada bos baru ni, ringan skit ati aku nak pi kerja. Yahoo! Seriously, rasa separuh beban terlepas dari bahu aku & tak payahla lagi aku nak masuk meeting2 berjam-jam. Yang paling best setakat nih, aku rasa macam free sikit nak bercuti ke ape..Dapat ler aku merayap ke sana sini melayan kamera.

So kalau aku dah lama tak update kat sini, maknanye aku tengah sibuk bercuti-cuti Malaysia, mengasah skill menangkap gambar yang masih lagi di tahap longkang atau sibuk mengupdate fotopages.

This entry is just to let you all know that I'm still alive & kicking, and will update soon...............

C y'all later folks!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Harga durian melambung tinggi!

Disebabkan teringin sangat nak makan durian, mlm tadi aku & Cik Nanie pi la mencari. Punye la terkejut beruk, durian RM6 SEKILO. Mamat yang jual tu kata RM6 tu pun dah murah sebab dia jual RM7 SEKILO masa siang hari. Aku tawar-tawar pun tak dapat sedangkan yang aku tau harga durian kat Johor sekarang ni RM5 SEKILO. Itu pun aku rasa dah mahal giler kalau bandingkan dengan harga musim-musim sebelumnya. Akhirnya aku tak jadi beli dengan mamat tu atas harganya yang cekik darah tu.

So, we all gi la ronda carik kat tempat lain. Jumpa satu kedai apek ni. Durian dia comel-comel belaka. Tapi harganya...masyaalah! RM12 SEKILO!!Melopong+terkejut bapak beruk aku & Cik Nanie! Kalau ada lalat sure dah masuk dalam mulut kitaorang ni.

Apek tu dengan cerianya kata, time siang durian tu RM15 SEKILO, so RM12 ni kira special offer sebab kedai nak tutup. Siap kasi guarantee yang we all takkan menyesal beli durian dia.Bodek punye bodek akhirnya, apek tu setuju kira RM10 untuk SEBIJI
durian. Last-last, aku amik 3 biji durian dengan harga RM30 semuanya setakat nak lepas rasa mengidam tu.

Sesungguhnya, memang berbaloi beli. Sungguh best, menyesal pulak beli 3 biji je. Kalau tau cukupkan aje beli 5 biji terus. Confirm lepas ni aku akan jadikan apek tu bestfren. Mudah-mudahan dapat diskaun lebih lagi, tak pun bole kasi free..Muahahaha!

Moral of the story: Belilah durian waktu malam.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Just wanna share few photos that i've taken during my stay in Endau Beach Resort, Mersing last week using the new camera. Mersing indeed have beautiful beaches and one of it is Pantai Penyabong which located right in front of the resort i've stayed.

I dont know the name of these islands but according to the resort staffs, they used to have island hopping package for resort guests interested to go to the islands nearby. Tapi sayang, it was discontinue because lack of staffs to maintain the boats & its equipment.

You can see a lot of fishermen boats & activities at this jetty. This photo was taken right after i arrived at the resort. Rasanye dah pukul 7 lebih kot masa tu and I was too tired to walk to the jetty. So cuma dapat amik gambar dari jauh je.

Kulit siput, kulit kerang & batu kerikil memang banyak bersepah kat pasir laut ni.

A day view of the jetty.

Any of you who love beaches, wanted privacy, maybe can stay here. Jangan risau anda tak akan diganggu & mengganggu sebab takde line pun kat sini.

To all kaki mandi laut, beware, banyak batu-batu tajam dalam laut ni. Kalau tak hati-hati, mau luka kaki nanti. Maybe the spot where i chose to mandi is not suitable kot, sebab Carn kata ada spot yang lagi best kat sebelah atas.

For further details of this place & more photos, please check carneyz blog :)

p/s: my deepest condolence to our tea lady & family for the loss of her son during the drowning incident in Air Papan Beach the same weekend. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh arwah. Amin.

Friday, April 27, 2007


It's a long holiday week!


For the first time my boss let me & Tina to take leave on the same day. Itupun sebab kengkononnya nak pi holiday beramai-ramai dengan Fab 5 + Tina & Family + Cik Nanie. Plan sikit punye mcm-mcm..nak pi penang la, nak pi genting la bla bla bla...In the end, due to some technical problem which is too lengthy to explain, each of us opt to pick our own holiday destination. (ish! Ish! cancel lagik..)

Most of the resorts / hotels in Malaysia are fully book eventhough i tried to book 1 week in advance. Last2 gi Mersing dengan Carn. Will be going with my family & will meet Carn & hubby the day after.

Hmm..i never been to Mersing. Tak taula tempat ni best ke tak. Tapi, people say that the beaches & the scenery there is beautiful. Apalagi, masa untuk mengangkut Baby D & ambil gambar!

Yeehaa skali lagi!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


YEAY! I finally own a DSLR camera!

Sejak beli digital camera 2 tahun lepas aku dah lama mengidam nak upgrade ke DSLR. Tapi tiap kali nak beli ada je halangan. Penah gak aku hold dulu decision nak beli sebab terlalu pening akibat terlalu banyak survey and baca review sampai tak tau nak beli yang mana satu. Disebabkan malas nak fikir lagi, akhirnya, minggu lepas aku nekad tutup mata, pekakkan hati & koyakkan poket supaya duit aku boleh terbang melayang ke peti duit tokeh kedai kamera tu.

Impian awal nak beli D70s, tapi bila dapat tahu D70s ni dah discontinue aku pun mcm 'lost' gitu. Nak sambar D80, tak tersanggup rasanye nak keluarkan nearly 5K memandangkan ke'pro'an aku yang masih ditahap longkang.

Akhirnya setelah menimbangtara pendapat ahlil-ahlil kamera dan artikel2 yang aku baca, aku beli Nikon D40 yang dilabel sebagai entry level DSLR. Good enough for me as a beginner. And the price is reasonable, at least i got to save the extra money to upgrade to a better lense.
Masih tak berkesempatan nak betul-betul duduk & bereksperimen dengan kamera ni. Aku masih lagi merangkak-rangkak belajar features yang ada. It's going to be ages before I'll be able to take pictures like my best buddy & those in Digital Camera Magazines tu agaknye. Sekarang ni rasa macam nak travel every weekend and try to experiment with this baby. Heheh...i'm looking forward to my trip to Bali this September. Can't wait! Hopefully by then, I've already mastered if not all most of the camera functions!

p/s: Ayang, I'm in your club now! :) Ade 2nd hand lense nak jual? ;P