Saturday, August 25, 2007


Penat giler mengemas..

Rasanya lepas 3 tahun keje, ini kali pertama we all kat HR (especially aku yang pemalas ni) buat major housekeeping. Kali ni, aku buat pun sebab terpaksa; sebab perubahan seating arrangement department aku.

Kenapa diubah selepas 3 tahun? Sebabnya, lokasi department aku ni agak terlindung dari pandangan mata umum (deal dgn banyak benda confidential la kononnye) & memang tempat paling strategik untuk para kaki-kaki borak merangkap kaki mengular dalam opis nih dok melepak.

Sebenarnya sebelum ni takde hal sangat, tapi lately ni aje ramai bebeno yang suka bersidai kat sini sampai aku pun naik rimas. Kalau bersidai sebab ade urusan dengan orang-orang department aku takpe jugak, ini pantang nampak tuan punya meja takde kat tempatnya, ada je yang menumpang. Selalunye meja driver, Abg Saleh la yang jadik mangsa. Suka suka ati je nak baca newspaper masa waktu kerja. Tak reti-reti nak tunggu time break ke ape. Ada tu pulak boleh duduk bersarapan nasi lemak daun pisang kat sini. Dia ingat ape, kerusi meja kat sini ada iras-iras kerusi meja canteen ke? Tak pun ala-ala cyber cafe sbb ada computer tertonggoh atas meja, boleh makan nasi lemak sambil surf internet. Hampeh betul diaorang nih, kerja aje dah berpuluh tahun, akai tak tahu letak mana. Sungguh aku takleh terima, nak lepak pi la pantry ke, toilet ke ini kau nak melepak apesal la HR jugak yang jadik pilihan. Mangkukz betol!!

Puas dah aku & Tina sound, tak reti-reti jugak diaorang ni. So pastu, kononnnye nak guna taktik subtle, aku tampal notis 'no newspaper reading here during office hours' kat meja Abg Saleh supaya mereka2 ni paham. Memang paham, diaorg tak lagi melepak kat tempat yang ada notis tu tapi beralih kat mana-mana meja lain dalam department aku yang kosong. Takkan le aku sampai nak tampal notis cenggini kat every meja dalam HR ni. Payah betul la nak kasi manusia2 'lurus bendul' mcm ni paham..

So disebabkan Pn Shila dah beria soh kitaorang pindah memandangkan Purchasing Department akan combine dgn HRA as 1 department, maybe ni pun cara terbaik utk susun strategi nak elakkan kaki mengular & kaki lepak jadikan kerusi meja kat department aku as port diaorang.

Maka akhirnya, terpaksa jugakla mengangkut segala harta benda, sampah sarap, kertas kertis dsb. Tengok jela timbunan kertas-kertas yang dlm simpanan aku. Ini pun 3 beg sampah besar aku mintak K. Yati kasi shredding machine tu makan.

Benda-benda dalam kotak & atas meja ni sume patutnye kena masuk file, tapi setengah tu, too confidential utk aku pass pada org lain for filing. Nak harap sendiri buat, entah bila la nak setel asik takde time memanjang. Akhirnye, jadikla camni, dok tertimbus kertas. Ni pun aku buat sikit-sikit in between keje-keje lain. Nampaknye tahun 3014 baru siap kot..hehe!

Azam aku lepas aku clearkan kertas-kertas ni sume, i will go paperless! Merdeka!! Sumenye aku nak scan & simpan dalam computer jek.. Time tu kalau meja aku bersih berseri jangan cakap aku takde keje pulak ok!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Since that kelawar incident, me & Cik Nanie are too traumatize to sleep at our own house.

Despite all the measures taken so that the incident won't happen again, (ayah pasang dawai kat grill so that no serangga atau binatang can enter the house through the front door. He even sealed all the gap/hole on the ceiling, bathroom, kitchen & everywhere else in the house so that we won't scream in the middle of the night (especially Cik Nanie) because a big hairy spider is crawling on our bed), i still dont feel so good to sleep in the house anymore.

So both of us only dropped by the house after work/during weekends to do the laundry, clean the house a bit, pick our tomorrow's working clothes & baju tido then dash back to mum's house. That has been our daily routine for the last 3 weeks or so. I keep telling myself & Cik Nanie that we have to do a thorough housekeeping before we can sleep in our house again. Then only I can sleep peacefully at night knowing that the house is free from freaky animals especially Mr. U**r.

Last week I dreamt that I was bitten by a flying rattle snake while cleaning the bathroom. Damn scary! When I woke up, the first thing I asked Cik Nanie was the time. I was soo relieved when she said it was already 7am because my mum kata mimpi yang terjadi sebelum Subuh ialah mimpi yang ada makna and according tu orang melayu, kalau mimpi ular ni ada kena mengena dengan bab kawin which I definitely want to avoid..haha.

Anyway, back to serangga & my house story, one of my neighbours asked me why I hardly around these days and I told him what happened, selamba badak je dia kata "biasalah tu kat sini mmg banyak binatang masuk rumah"..he told me few incidents in his house which involved bats and snakes. He gave me few tips on how to handle these situation e.g buy badminton rackets to kill the bat and pour hot boiling water to kill the snake (to avoid leaving any trace of its blood in your house sebab according tu orang-orang tua kalau ade U**r mati berdarah kat dalam umah, akan mengundang spesis yang sama ke dalam umah disebabkan ade bau darah tu - betul ke tidak wallahuaklam - but of cos i don't want that to happen).

I think it's a practical idea but a bit too kejam la. I dun have the heart to hit the poor bat to death and just pretend that i'm hitting a shuttlecock. And though snakes make me feel 'geli geleman', rasanye tak sampai ati plak nak jirus air panas kat dia. Futhermore, it's going to be a slow and painful death for Mr. U**r which I think I can't bear to see. Ntah-ntah bila nampak Mr. U**r ni je, takdenya sempat nak masak air panas ke ape. Kot aku terus lari kuar umah adelah, pas tu baru pikir nak call bomba ke polis ke sape-sape yang dirasakan munasabah at that time .

And they said the situation will be worst with the recent land development works nearby. Dengar-dengarnye, there were even wildboars sesat in our neighbourhood! Can't blame them la cos they have nowhere else to go since we have cleared the hutans for the project. Perhaps this is the oppportunity for me to earn some cash selling wildboars tu the vietnamese working in the industrial area. Nasib baik takde gajah melintas, tak pasal2 aku jual gajah kat Royal London Circus plak nanti.

Wildboar Satay, anyone?! hehe...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


* This month marked my third year slaving in this company.

* My father celebrates his 60th birthday on the 3rd of August.

* It's Fab 5 third anniversary!
* Malaysia 50th Merdeka celebration!

Happy August Dudes!