Friday, February 23, 2007


I've been tagged by Imah.

RULES: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.... (sorry Imah, aku pun ciplak RULES ni dari blog kau)

I have this weird phobia of matchbox / matches which up till today i dont know why I have it. Normally, i'd try my best not to touch or use the matches. Macam geli giler gitu. Kalau terpegang atau terpaksa gak gunakan, aku akan basuh tangan kalah orang yang ade OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). i think i'm the only one who has it kot, couldn't find the scientific name for it. Tapi scientific name for 'phobia of chopstick' ade la pulak..

p/s: Try check this website out You'll find all sorts of phobia names. Can you believe there is such thing as "Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth" (scientifically called Arachibutyrophobia)? And do you know that Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the name for those who have fear of long words. Nama pun dah panjang. Imagine how the person who suffer this phobia nak sebut nama tu..kesian!

Selalu laga gigi bila tido malam. Aku tak tau la camne, sebab selalunya bila berlaga tu memang aku tak sedar. Kata orang, gigi si pelaga ni akan berlaga lagi kuat bila orang tu tengah stress. Benda ni memang dah ada kat aku dari kecik lagi and sampai sekarang tak jumpa lagi cure dia.

Will sleep without taking out my disposable contact lense whenever i'm too tired, too lazy or forgot to buy the solution.


Yang ni aku tak tau la pelik ke tak. Aku rasa biasa jek tapi Cik Nani kata pelik sebab aku suka makan buah especially buah limau, oren atau tomato dengan asam boi.

Suka gosok gigi. Tiap kali lepas makan (tak kiralah makan ape pun) mesti gosok gigi. Tiap kali bangun tido tak kira pagi petang siang malam, tido kejap ke tido lama mesti gosok gigi. Kalau tak aku mesti rasa tak selesa. Siap ada standby berus and ubat gigi kat opis.

Tiap kali makan kena ada lauk ayam. Walaupun beribu pinggan lauk dihidang atas meja tapi kalau takde lauk ayam aku rasa macam takde selera, tak complete & serupa macam tak makan.

Next Tag Victim: Ainie, Carn, Jen, Cik Nanie & En. Bobby