Thursday, September 27, 2007


Baru je kena tag dengan Carneyz dah kena tag lagi...Kali ni dengan Cik Nanie pulak..

4 things that scare me:
+ bad intention people
+ life after death (kes tak cukup amal ibadat)
+ become poor and homeless (taknak tido bawah jambatan)
+ natural disaster

4 people who make me laugh:
+ cik nanie
+ hariz
+ my father
+ Fab 5

4 things i love:
+ spending time with my loved ones
+ my Ipaq 6828 PDA
+ my Nikon D40
+ my lappie

4 things i hate:
+ meetings (especially the lengthy one)
+ backstabbers
+ show offs
+ cruelty towards animal & human

4 things i don't understand:
+ Why cant we live peacefully in this world without any war??
+ why some people simply take advantage of other people without feeling guilty or a bit of shame?
+ why do we have to waste our time attending meetings when after that nobody will remember what the hell were discussed or whose responsible to take what action?
+ Why most of nation leaders are actually idiots

4 things on my desk:
+ files
+ tons of papers
+ my organizer
+ my pc

4 things i'm doing right now:
+ my office work
+ the tag
+ talking on the phone with my boss
+ thinking of a way to escape this afternoon's meeting

4 things i want to do before i die:
+ visit Stonehenge
+ getting at least my master degree
+ to have my own business
+ bertaubat?

4 simple things to describe my personality:
+ giler
+ friendly
+ independent
+ love to laugh and love to make people laugh

4 things i can't do:
+ sew
+ dance (william hung dance better than me, i'm as stiff as a wood stick!)
+ stand smokers & ciggies smoke
+ sleep with the light on

4 people I wanna tag
+ Carneyz
+ Ainie
+ Jen

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Aku kena tag dengan Cik Puan CARNEYZ.

Sejak bila anda mula berpuasa penuh??

Rasanya sekolah rendah. sejak darjah 2 ke darjah 3 macam tu.Masa kecik2 dulu memang suka sgt bulan pose ni sebab tak payah nak makan. Yes, anda tak salah baca. Time kecik-kecik dulu aku paling tak suka nak makan. Kena marah + paksa tahap cipan baru la terhegeh-hegeh ke dapur. Sungguh berbeza sekali dengan sekarang. Kalau diorang kunci dapur dengan lock besar gajah pun aku sanggup pecahkan semata-mata nak selongkar periuk atau peti sejuk.. (hahaha..dasar pelahap!)

Pernahkah anda ponteng puasa dan apakah alasannya??

Pernah sekali & takde alasan munasabah yang boleh aku bagi. Simply menyetan dengan 2,3 orang classmate yang setan macam aku, makan-makan kat belakang hall..Nauzubillah perangai....

Adakah anda pernah bermain bunga api dan mercun??
Of course la pernah. Cuba bagitau saya sapa yang tak pernah main mercun & bunga api?

Juadah apakah menjadi kegemaran anda sewaktu berbuka??
Apa-apa jenis sambal & lauk berAYAM AYAM AYAM. Hidangan WAJIB ada tu!

Lagu raya manakah yang anda suka??
#1 - Sepasang Kurung Biru - Khairil Johari Johar (lagu feveret giler nih)
#2 - Pulanglah - Aishah

Tahun ini anda beraya di mana??

Pernahkah anda bertugas di hari raya??
Sepenuh masa tak pernah. Setakat datang menjenguk office sejam dua di pagi raya pertama untuk make sure caterer & jamuan raya for staff yang kena bertugas berjalan lancar.

Kenangan paling manis di hari raya
Dulu - dapat duit raya & dapat baju baju
Sekarang - dapat kumpul satu family, makan kuih & masakan raya.

Nak Jadikan Mangsa Tag
1. Cik Nanie
2. Ainie
3. Best Buddy
4. Sesapa yang nak buat

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


If any of you is thinking to watch this movie, my advice would be - DON'T! - unless if u want to be a vegetarian for the next two weeks.

Dah tu, apehal aku pulak boleh tengok tertengok citer nih?
I thot this is the sequel of one movie i've watched somewhere in 2003/2004 - DEAD END - which I've been searching hi & low for the dvd / vcd to add to my collection dari Speedy sampai le ke pirated cd store. Tapi takde.

That's why, when I saw this DVD cover, my eyes straight away focussed at the 'DEAD END' title walaupun terang2 perkataan 'WRONG TURN 2' tu lagi besar.

So this idiot bought the DVD.
Excited la jugak before tengok tu..but..the first few minutes is enough to tell you what's the rest of the movie is going to be like.

The movie is about 6 people who are competing in Survivor-like reality tv show. In the woods where they are supposed to survive (sometimes look like belukar belakang rumah jek) resides a cannibal family and as expected, hunted, tortured & butchered them and the rest of TV crews. Akibatnye, most of them end up in the cannibal cooking pot except for the two main characters.

Pencinta kedamaian & insan penyayang mcm aku (cewah!) tak akan boleh terima & tak tahan nak tengok cerita-cerita macam nih. I don't mind watching blood and violent as in most of action movies. I do love horror/thriller film but not the gory kind which involved brutal torture, flesh ripping and exaggerate cannibalism.


The next morning, during sahur i don't dare to touch and even look at the ayam panggang for fear that I will muntah there and then on my plate.

That's why i don't really like to watch Hollywood horror films. Most of them suck! Mengarut entah ape2 aje. I'd rather watch Korean/Japan/Thai ones. They seem a bit realistic and ade la jalan cerita sikit. Even though there are violent or gruesome element in it, for me it's still tolerable and doesn't seem exaggerated. No wonder the Hollywood producer is so into remaking Korean & Japanese movies.

I watched one Thai horror film called 'Long Khong' couple of years ago, it kinda ngeri and until today I still can't look at kerang without thinking about one of the scene in the movie where the villain cooked the victim and served 'the dish' to her guests who are the poor victim's friends. The victim's eyelid inside the soup look really similar to isi kerang. So each time I makan kerang, my mind will automatically zoomed back to that scene, and i'll feel as if i'm eating someone's eyes.

Another film, '999-9999' which is also from Thai is about a mysterious phone number, yang kononnye boleh fulfil one wish of its caller. However, the caller will die tragically once his or her wish has been granted. So nak dijadikan jalan cerita, main characters dalam citer ni la yang dok gatal call this number (or else tak wujud plak citer ni kan). Despite kengerian yang mendalam bila tengok kaedah kematian sekor2 mangsa, the movie is still enjoyable to watch.

I guess it depends on our preference and how far we can stand to watch violence. For me, as long as the storyline is interesting, quite logic and at the end of it, the movie do not leave me nauseous, give me headache or make me vomit at any sight of meat then it's fine.

Don't think this movie will make it here. Too gory. Too disgusting. Too sick. And just for info, Singapore bans it too.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Congratulations Survivor!

You are 59% not Malaysian.

That means you're as Malaysian as...

Guy Sebastian !
How Un-Malaysian Are You?
Ape-ape jelah kuiz nih...sape yang berminat sila try..tengok berapa percent ketakMalaysiaan korang pulak..

Friday, September 14, 2007


First day puasa semalam, sungguh la flat sekali.Nak kata tak bangun sahur, aku bangun. Makan pun selera jugak walaupun pepagi hari (nampak sangat selalu keluar pi supper). Time lunch, dek kerana letih sangat, aku & Tina tido dalam stor. Sampai terlajak 20 minit. Huhu. Ni la last dapat rehat sejam, pas ni lunch hour cuma 1/2 jam jek sebab dapat balik awal 1/2 jam. Kijam. Sungguh kijam. Tetahun lepas balik pukul 5 gak tapi takde la potong lunch hour. Ish!

Bulan pose camni kalau tak gi Pasar Ramadan memang tak sah la kan. So balik keje semalam aku & Cik Nanie singgah yang kat sini. Ramainye orang. Seolah-olah semua orang kat kawasanni takde dapur nak masak kat umah. Jalan dahle sempit, kereta & motor punyela banyak. Jalan tu la orang jadikan parking & jalan tu la jugak orang & kenderaan nak kluar masuk.

Peniaga-peniaga kat sini la yang paling happy. Ape taknye, masa menyembelih dah tiba. Orang yang datang pun main beli jek, tak kira la harga munasabah ke tak. Ade ke harga ayam golek sampai RM15 seekor..bak kata Cik Nanie, Ayamas pun murah!Dah tu roti bom @ roti coin, kecik mcm tu pun diaorang jual seringgit sekeping. Mak aiii...nak kaya cepat gamaknye diaorang nih..tau la nak cari duit raya, tapi jgn la sampai over sangat.Confirm la this is going to be my last time beli kat sini.

Lepas buka I was too tired to do anything, nak pi terawih pun tak larat. Pukul 9.30 mlm aku dah tido. Ingat nak jugak bangun makan satu round lagi, tapi tido mati la pulak.So sahur pagi tadilah aku berkesempatan nak mengabiskan makanan semalam.

Ok guys, it's already 5.00pm now. Time to go home and heading to another Pasar Ramadan. Tekak macam teringin nak makan murtabak, ayam percik, nasi ambang, karipap, roti jala, keuh teow kerang,laksa penang, kole kacang, keropok lekor, kebab daging, nasi dagang, sup ekor, nasi ayam, roti john...

Selamat Berpuasa Kengkawan..