Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Finally i got time to do this...Sorry Carn, i'm a bit illiterate when it comes to the technical aspect of the computer. (Berkecahnye desktop aku...hehehe..)

Resolution : 1024 by 768 pixel (right clik/properties/setting)
Laptop, LCD or CRT monitor : CRT monitor
Been using this desktop since : July ke August 2006

Kaedah (tiru Carn punye blog) :Hit "Print Scrn" button (sblh F12) > paste kat paint/adobe photoshop)

Nak tengok desktop :
1. Pn. Imah
2. Best Buddy
3. En. Bobby (kalau dah ade masa buat la yek)

Tell em' that u already tag them..pastu suh bagitau korang bila diaorg dah buat. (tiru blog Carn lagik...)