Wednesday, January 12, 2005

SURVIVOR : Nine to Five Thirty

I can't understand why it's hard for them to make a firm decision on something. And it's harder for me to understand why they can't stick to the decision they made. They keep on changing their mind now and then. What is the use of having lots and lots of meeting when in the end they still can't make up their mind? Buang karen jek...

The ones who suffer will be us, the subordinates. Macam orang gile tried to make sure all the things they plan berjalan lancar. If they don't see the results fast they will say that we are not efficient. But how can we be efficient if asyik tukar plan je? Tak boleh ke kalau dah betul-betul confirm baru bagi order so we all tak payah la buat kerja 2,3 kali. It will save our time and we can focus on other tasks. Sapa sebenarnye yang tak efficient kat sini?

Today it's about the annual leave policy..i thought we already discussed and agreed that the new policy will be implemented immedately this year. In fact, he's the one who said it during our weekly meeting. Kesian kat Tina, asyik keje nak amend benda alah ni je. Bila nak siap je, ada je changes from Management side, terpaksa buat balik. Kalau minor changes takpe, ini tidak terpaksa start all over again..

Yesterday it's about the retirees. Last week they finally come into conclusion that date of retirement for all retirees should be based on their birth date instead of extending their service until end of the month. Aku rasa for them to decide on date of retirement je makan masa berminggu-minggu. Kejap kata ikut actual birth date, kejap kata bagi sampai akhir bulan. Keep on changing sampai aku pun pening. Letter content asyik bertukar-tukar and aku sampai pun tak tau nak jawab apa bila these retirees tanya aku pasal diaorg punye retirement date. Tambah tensen lagi..our first staff will retire on 15th Jan ni, dah tu semalam baru nak suruh aku jumpa this guy sedangkan draft surat ni awal bulan lepas aku dah bagi for approval.

Arahan untuk aku :

1. Brief and discuss dengan bos orang ni, Mr RB about this changes.

2. Aku & Mr RB kena meeting dgn org ni utk advise on dia punye retirement date n mintak dia abiskan cuti tahun starting from hari ni sampai la 14hb.

Pada aku this sort of things tak boleh bagi short notice macam gini. Macam kejam la gitu. Dah la before this kata boleh extend sampai akhir bulan pas tu tak bagi pulak. Sure org ni sedih. Maklumla dah berpuluh tahun keje, once you retire your life will never be the same again..maybe before you retire you'd like to spend more time with your colleagues and say goodbye to them properly. It's unfair kalau nak suruh dia terus amik cuti the next day just bcos company taknak bayar semua leave balance dia. Aku pulak mcm kesian kat org ni. Biasalah..kalau dengan sayur kita jadik berperikesayur-sayuran, kalau dengan kucing, kita berperikekucingan n of cos la kalau dengan manusia kita kena berperikemanusiaan. Masa aku jumpa dia semalam dia macam nak nangis jek. Nasib baik aku ni sedara mara gurun sahara, kering kontang takde air..kalau tak sure aku pun sedekah air mata aku sekali..

The thing yang buat aku tensen ni sebab boss-boss ni sesuka ati dia je tukar -tukar plan. Kalau tukar masa discussion or planning stage takpe, tapi selalunya dalam meeting decide benda lain tapi pas tu yang dibuat totally benda lain pulak. Yendava betul!!
