Thursday, June 22, 2006


They approved my application. With a condition. I have to be bonded for two years. For a 6 months certificate course which costs less than 5K I have to sign a two years bond agreement?!

Usop kata:
We want to train you
We dont want you to go

We'll bear the cost for you to get your certificate but you have to be fair to the company.

Don't worry, 2 years is short. By the time you complete this course it's already 6 months, before you know it it's already 2 years.

This not the only course we'll send you, after this we'll send you for more advanced courses.
I don't know why, but for each & every words he told me my mind interpreted its meaning differently.

"We want to train you and we don’t want you to go"
We still want to use you, if you resign who are going to be our slave?

"Let's be fair to the company, we'll pay for the cost and you'll have to sign a bond agreement"
For an investment less than 5K, we'll be able to use her and squeeze every sweat out of her for two years! Muahaha!

"2 years is not that long, after you finish this program, we'll send you for other related courses"
If we send her for other courses, she'll have to sign another bond..and she'll continue to be our slave! If we don't, she can't do anything, even if we didn't give her any annual increment she can't do anything, she's ours for two years!!

Actually, I have no intention to leave yet. I haven't updated my resume (eventhough Nasir's offer seem appealing). I haven't seriously browsing the net or newspaper looking for any related posts available. Not at the moment. But knowing that i'll stuck in this company for another 2 years really make me uneasy. The fact is, I've lost faith in this company. I want the course but I don't want to be tied down this long.

After lots and lots of thinking, i've decided to give it a go. I'll still attend this program as the cert will be very valuable. They still haven't give me the agreement to sign (bagus! hopefully diaorang terlupa..hehe) and in case i've decided to leave this company before my agreement period ended, i'll pay back whatever they have paid to the institute.