Monday, June 26, 2006


Officially I was 30 minutes late for my first class. Thanks to Switzerland vs Korea match early that morning I wish I could continue sleeping till noon. (hehe..buruk's all FIFA's fault) Luckily, I didn't miss much, the lecturer, Ms Tiffany was explaining the course structure and exam format when I arrived.

There were only six of us. (you were wrong ainie, takde pun orang yang 'BEST' kat situ). At first glance I thought we are about the same age, but later I found out that they much more older than me and i'm the second youngest in class. (Rasa la mcm muda sikit :D ). Most of them are HR managers n senior executives, a good start for me to add them in my networking list. Class was fun, the first few topics were a bit difficult as we were 'forced' to memorize the philosophical part of Human Resource.

The best part (or should I say worst?) is the FOODS! There were lots and lots of foods. They serve 3 types of kuihs for morning and noon tea breaks, and for lunch we have kari ayam, ikan masak sambal, sotong masak kunyit, bergedil, telur goreng, daging masak kicap and two types of vege dishes. (tak sure ape nama dia) Sounds normal la kan tapi memandangkan it's only 7 of us, and they were like preparing for 20 pax, just imagine how many kuih or lauk u can take. Sepanjang umur attend training, this is the first time participant tak ramai, tapi makanan banyak giler. Entah brp banyak aku makan pun aku tak tau.

All of us get along very well walaupun baru kenal. I'm a bit surprised because all of them seem to remember my name and where i'm from. Maybe i'm the only participant from non-manufacturing industry. I keep forgetting their names and mistaking their company with the other. Most probably my mind was occupied with something else during the introductory session.

Saturday session went on well. Everyone happily went home eventhough all of us are asked to be prepared for a quiz the next day. That nite try gak nak revise tapi apa yang aku baca tak masuk otak langsung, macam mana nak ingat, bukak buku tapi mata dok tengok Germany vs Sweden match. Nasib baik the next day aku org 1st yg sampai sempat le revise sikit. Class was fun and luckily soalan takdelah susah mana pun (ceh! Riak..hehe). It was worth sacrificing my precious weekend for the knowledge i gain from this class.