Going through painful experience is in fact a very valuable lesson. These experience has really taught me how to cope with the downside of life with courage and optimism. There are moments when I feel as if it will kill me, but it don't and I manage to get through it. In the end, it has transformed me to be a wiser and emotionally stronger person. I do believe in the saying "life is not a matter of having good cards, but playing a poor hand well''. Accepting that there are things I cannot change make the healing process much more easier while diverting my attention and resources to the right channel had helped me find the "reasons" I have been searching for.
What happened had opened my eyes and I began look at life, especially mine differently. As I discover the "reasons", life seems more meaningful and I started to appreciate every little things i have been granted. I enjoyed my newfound peace and deep inside I feel lighter, happier and more relaxed.
No life will be easy as difficulties and troubles will exist in everyone's life. Full of highs and lows, we just don't know what will happen and where we will be in the future. I hope i will always be strong to withstand any adversities in life. I know there'll be times when i succumb to the pressure and fall apart, but i pray no matter how low my life has hit the rock bottom and how many times i've been knocked down, eventually, i will always be able to bounce back, hopefully as a better person.