Monday, February 21, 2005


We can't always make everyone happy. Sometimes you think you have done your best, but not everybody will think so. Malam tadi aku kena sekolah dengan ayah. The usual issue, he said that i spend too much time in the office.

Betul pun, memang banyak masa aku abis kat opis. But what to do, i happen to fall in love with my work. Lagipun, memang kerja tengah banyak so of course I need to spend extra hours in the office. It suits me cos I need something to fill my mind. Bak kata Karn, lagi banyak free time yang ada, lagi banyak masa untuk pikir bebenda personal. Itu yang aku tak nak so better aku timbunkan diri dengan kertas2 and fail2 yang ada kat opis ni.

Aku pun tak salahkan diaorang. Cuma sometimes I can't help wondering whether diaorang yang tak nak memahami ataupun aku ni memang bukan anak yang baik. For me, I've done what I can. Bukan aku tak spend time dengan diaorang langsung. I've tried my best to divide my time between work, friends and family. Maybe I failed to do so cos in the end my work takes 75% of my time.

Sometimes bila panas telinga tu, i can't help thinking that they should be grateful cos i spend my time working in the office bukannye kat tempat-tempat yang 'tak sihat'. Kalau diaorang marah sebab aku asyik gi dating ke, berpoya2 ke ok la jugak..boleh la aku paham..tapi kena marah sebab kerja? Hmmm..susah nak diterima dek akal aku yang degil ni...