Sunday, January 1, 2006


Sayonara 2005. Welcome 2006.

It's been a year since I started this blog (Ainie was the culprit). With the help of two other blog experts, Carn & Jen, i finally have my own blog. Initially I thought this blogging thing is so 'teenagers', but it was the fun of 'playing' with html text which i found very interesting that made me agreed to create one. But later on, i'm glad I started to blog because it has been a very helpful medium for me to pour out my feelings. Thank you Ainie for persuading me. Haha!! And thanks to Jen and Carn too (+ Junaidix) for spending your time helping and coaching me with the template.

2005 has been a mixed of wonderful and painful year for me.I've fought for something I believe in and finally I lost the battle. It was painful to let go of something I treasure most but it had taught me a lot. Sometimes, my strength can turn out to be my weakness. I tend to think too positive believing I can get anything I want if I really put my effort, but there are times where I failed to draw a line between something I can have and could never have. And I will keep on trying, telling myself there is always hope if I wait a little longer until the moment of defeat opened my eyes. Bagus kalau tak reti berputus asa, tapi jadik tak bagus kalau tak reti bahasa. hehe..

Work is always stressful; and dealing with people is never easy (especially with the top people) but i dont know why, i love my work, what I'm doing and it never fail to give me a sense of satisfaction. I'm lucky because all the stress at work were balance out by having the best office mates one could ever wish for. We work together, hang out together, back up each other, confide in each other and did almost everything together (ermm, ye ke? hehe). I've known them during the last quarter of 2004 and in 2005, our friendship grew closer. We have our good times and there were bitter moments which really tested this friendship. Fortunately everything went back to normal but not as normal as Carn was transfered to HQ. There were too many memorable moments to be forgotten. It won't be the same but what to do, life must goes on.

Hariz is the apple of my eyes, the love of my life. I fell in love with him the first moment I saw him in the nursing room. I guess his parents and my parents feel the same too. He is the friendliest baby I've ever known; always active, love to laugh and offer his smile to everybody no matter how tired he was. Adik got a job in Malacca and tinggal la kami bertiga kat umah tu. I started to look forward to Hariz's return once a month. I'll cancel every plan just to be with him. He's the best gift 2005 has given me.

I never had any new year resolutions. For as long as I can remembered, when people asked me about my new year resolution, my answer will always be the same 'I wanna do what I should do'. A safe one. But I have my own plans for 2006. Nak kata azam bukan azam nak kata target pun bukan. It's my wish, my programs for 2006:

1. Upgrade my HR & IR knowledge
--> Attend IR Certificate course
--> Get Diploma in IR
--> Read more HR / IR related books and journal

2. To be well versed in Labour and IR Law

3. Widen my HR network

4. Try to go to bed before 11.30pm (at least 5 days a week)

5. Wake up one hour earlier (any tips guys?)

6. Taknak malas pegi gym / exercise

7. Maintain healthy eating habit

8. Buy an Mp3 player

9. Buy a bigger size SD Card for my PDA

10. Earn more (Carik keje lain?)

11. Save more (Kurangkan outing?)

12. Bawak parents gi trip

13. Holiday getaway with the gals (hopefully no more last minute cancellation, guys..)

14. Appreciate those around me more..

15. Kawen?! (Muehehe..saje buat lawak senario..kuii..kuii..kuii *gelak sambil berguling-guling*)

For 2006, I'm expecting the usual mixture of bitter and sweet events. Of course la takkan semua nak best jek. Mesti ada yang tak best kan. But then, I'm hoping that the good ones will outnumbered the bad ones.

Welcome 2006. Sayonara 2005. Happy New Year Everyone!!!