Friday, January 14, 2005


Absence is said to make the heart grow fonder, yet if my heart yearns anymore for the sight of you, I will explode. Insanity is a comforting friend, calming me at night and allowing me to face the day. The mighty structure is put on every morning so no one can glimpse the atrophy of my heart. I buried myself with work, surrounded myself with friends, filled my time with anything that can keep my mind away from you, but at the end of the day, when the city sleeps away, the reality returns. A fitful rest awaits me, met only with another dawn without you, another day without you, another night without you.

Somewhere, in this part of God's world, i know you are also sleeping. I cant help but wonder, do you dream of me often? Do you turn corners expecting to find me? Does your heart torn just like mine whenever you heard our songs? Do you miss those moments we shared every time you do any task that we used to do together? Can you find solace in looking up at the night sky, in the same manner that I do, wondering if I am thinking about you under the same night sky somewhere? Do you feel me peering over your shoulder, as I truly wish to do so? I can only hope that in this vast and uncertain world, two people feel that bond which unites them like no other, through the distance and time.

Fate brought us together. Fate separated us. If we are not meant for each other in this life, i'm contented to have you only in my dreams. If reincarnation really exist, perhaps, someday we will finally be together...maybe....

"...In another life

In another place

I'd have held you close

I'd have known your face

In another world

In another time

You'd be mine... "