Monday, December 18, 2006


It feels so good to be back.
How I miss my messy desk and dusty pc..

Dari dok spital sejuta kali lagi baik aku dok berumahtangga kat opis ni! lagi best..

I can say that my experience staying in the hospital is not something that i wanted to go through again. And for a private hospital, the service is definately not to my expectation - with exception to staffs from Physiotheraphy Department. I'm not saying this because i still have to attend few more physio sessions, but they deserved it. At least their care and service met the expectation of a private hospital.

The floor is wet and slippery because of the waterdrip from the leaky hose. Not to mention the smell..YUCKS!

I dont know why the never bother to replace the shower. Takpun buang aje shower tu, biar patient sume mandi pakai gayung & baldi.

Day Shift
Service & friendliness ok la - aku kasi 3 Bintang cewah!

Night Shift - Sungguhlah HAMPEH!!
It took them ages to attend the patient. Mlm tu aku mintak pil migraine punyela berjanggut tunggu, sampai aku fedap and pi kedai kat bawah kononnye nak beli Actifast. Unfortunately, I forgot that it's nearly 12am and the convinience shop downstairs is not 7Eleven.

Kebetulan, ternampak sign 'Inpatient Pharmacy', ingatkan bole la mintak ubat kat situ. JANGAN HARAP!
Pharmacist tu kata aku kena mintak kat nurse bangang kat atas, and nurse bangang ni yang akan request kat pharmacy. Cey!
Naik atas balik, tekan loceng.
Terkedek kedek nurse bangang datang.
Sayang, muke cute tapi lembab. Hehe..

Me: Pil migraine yang saya mintak tadi mana?
NB: (Dengan suara & muka tak bersalah) Oh, dah sakit sangat eh? tunggu sekejap ye, nanti saya bawak. (and terus blah)
WTF! kalau tak sakit buat ape aku mintak la..pandainye..anak sape nih?

You are not gonna believe this..
Bila dia datang balik 20min kendian, terkedek-kedek mcm tadi & just bawak 2 bijik panadol biasa! it's not even Actifast!
Double WTF!! Allo I nak migraine pill sista! Not panadol!
Bila aku tanye balik dia kata orang kat pharmacy tu yang kasi.
ALLO!! kalau kau mintak ubat pening mmg la dia kasi panadol, aku kan mintak ubat migraine!
There's a HUGE difference between pening & migraine la sista..u belajar ke tak ni?AIYO!@
Mesti tak lulus kursus jururawat tapi dapat kerja guna orang dalam!

Note: Thot I was the only victim. Rupanye one girl yang jaga mak dia kat situ pun senasib. Rupanye nurse2 bangang ni tak tukar blood bag mak dia yang dah sampai masa ditukar. Punyela tekan buzzer mcm nak mampus tapi takde sekor pun yang attend. Siap pi kaunter panggil, diaorang dok sibuk kata jap lagi nak datang tapi tak datang-datang. Kalau patient nak mati, dah mati agaknye! Sibuk berborak & ketawa macam pontianak tak ingat dunia kat luar tu boleh la pulak. Diaorang ni bagus jadi Badut Hospital.

Unfriendly & slow service. Banyak sangat birokrasi.

Kalau dtg as outpatient, tak payah amik time off, make sure u mintak mc or amik cuti.

Aku rasa makanan kat GH pun tak seCHAPLANG makanan serve kat sini.
Ada 2 Marrybrown outlet, satu cafe kat ground floor & satu lagi fast food outlet kat LG floor.
Staff kat cafe ni very the unfriendly. Tunggu macam nak mampus tapi takde yang amik order. Tarik muka pulak tu, macam la customer ni bawak suwey kat cafe dia yang tak best tu.
Kat fast food outlet tingkat bawah aku tak tau. Baru masuk sebelah kaki dah rasa macam nak muntah
Bau ayam goreng + bau ubat-ubat + bau hospital = LOYA!!

THUMBS UP to Physiotherapy staffs for the excellent service.

In the end, I managed to pujuk the doctor to discharge me. I rather drive from Senai to JB to attend my physiotherapy sessions than to spend one more day in this hospital.