Monday, February 14, 2005


After taking a break for more than a week, this morning I came to work with mixed feelings. When i woke up, i wish i was still on leave. Aku sendiri pun pelik....I wonder where has the workaholic Survivor disappeared. I thought my mind was still on holiday mode but i never expect that a disaster is waiting for me back in the office...

Pagi ni office huru hara especially in my department. Everybody was busy talking and shouting at the same time. Riuh mengalahkan Wall Street. I was about to take one of the projector to the training center when I saw the laptop case lying on the floor in the conference room. Aku ingatkan Mr. S punye sebab dia ni selalu tertinggal laptop case dia. Dalam kepala aku pikir dia ni mesti ada meeting last Saturday sebab cable laptop tu still attached pada extension plug lagi. Later I found out that the laptop is not Mr. S, but the one under HR responsibility.

Kalau betul hilang memang mati le kena goreng. It's going to be the 2nd missing laptop case so far. Yang aku hot kenapa la takde sorang pun yang ambik berat pasal harta company. Lepas aku soal siasat, most of the staff nampak yang laptop case tu ada dalam conference room tapi semua ignore gitu jek. Tambah hot lagi, benda ni mungkin dah hilang since 4th February tapi disebabkan attitude lepas tangan diaorang ni, bila aku jumpa case kosong tu, baru realise laptop ni hilang. Geram betul..takkan le sepanjang masa aku cuti ni takde orang nampak benda tu berhari-hari terbiar kat situ?! Pening kepala aku. That's what happened kalau tak ikut procedure and takde rasa tanggungjawab. It's everybody fault. Orang yang pinjam tak reti nak pulang and the rest yang nampak benda tu lepak berhari2 dalam conference room pun tak ambik peduli. So, bila dah hilang semua orang tak nak mengaku silap..

Since I was the one yang jumpa, so I have to submit a report to the management. Bertambah satu masalah lagi & tambah pening la kepala aku yang dah memang tengah ting tong ni...AARRRGHHHHHH!!!